Ultainfinity Wealth Launchpad
3 min readJun 14, 2022

DIVIT Token, a 1 Trillion dollars investment opportunity by Ultainfinity

From the stable of Ultainfinity Global Group, and in particular, Ultainfinity, powered by SLAPA Model & Systems, comes DIVIT Token.

What is DIVIT Token?

DIVIT Token is primarily a utility and payment token with increasing multiple use cases. Two of which are Instant CreditLine and Ultainfinity Exchange.

DIVIT Token neither rivals Bitcoin nor BNB as a payment and utility cryptocurrency, respectively. Still, it somewhat exceeds and excels both in functionalities and fundamentals and as a harbinger of formidable fortune.

Why is it such a highly anticipated cryptocurrency?

For excellent reasons, a few of which are here. It will rapidly reach and exceed $1 Trillion market capitalization within a year or about from its launch this summer.

How would DIVIT Token reach $1 Trillion?

It is the primary utility token for DASA Lending, the ultimate provider of instant CreditLine in Ultainfinity Global Group platforms. It is a sprawling worldwide group with deep and broad sectoral diversification, offering Instant CreditLine to millions of users.

To understand DIVIT Token is partly to understand Instant CreditLine and its understated significance in furthering the ultimate aim of Ultainfinity Global Group, a significant reduction at worse, or elimination of the scourge of generational poverty and secondarily to create generational wealth for millions around the world. To do so, it applies SLAPA Model & Systems with its primary aim to resolve the perennial problems of the Trinity of Wealth, ToW.

So what then is Instant CreditLine?

Instant CreditLine by Ultainfinity, powered by DASA, provides non-recourse credit with no credit scoring and credit checks starting from $10,000 to $100M. It can be obtained multiple times and simultaneously by the same user.

To realize the purpose of Ultainfinity Global Group, the users of Instant CreditLine, and investors in Ultainfinity’s native cryptocurrencies all avoid the risk of bankruptcy and personal financial impairment. Furthermore, the dread of low unacceptable credit scores and credit checks are also made redundant, all by this beautiful innovation from Ultainfinity.

Applicants for instant CreditLine do not require property collateral and are not chased for repayments but instead rewarded with increasing credit limits after sustained repayment records.

Thus, instant CreditLine will be accessed and made available with no qualms to millions of users of the Ultainfinity global ecosystem.

So, how does DIVIT Token relate to Instant CreditLine?

DIVIT Token is utilised for (a) access (b) repayment © interest (d) fees (e) charges for instant CreditLine

Why is it a tremendous growth spurt?

Daily lending for instant CreditLine could run into tens or hundreds of millions, and each lending invariably entails a DIVIT token.

Therefore, the tokenomics of DIVIT Token support price growth. The appeal of it powered by the SLAPA Models & Systems is supportive. Furthermore, the fundamental fact that its underlying utility as the currency for instant CreditLine will propel its inherent growth. Indeed, the demand for DIVIT Token could easily reach more than $1O Billion daily across all outlets worldwide. With the high daily order, compared to the lower order and less utility for Bitcoin, one can see the excellent viability and value opportunities created in a DIVIT Token investment.

It is easy to conclude that DIVIT Token will exceed $1 Trillion in market capitalization following a well-informed analysis, as it is achievable mainly based on its fundamentals and that the estimate is, in fact, a conservative minimum.

DIVIT Token and Instant CreditLine are both in

Ultainfinity is an expansive ecosystem powered by SLAPA Model & Systems, URC.authored by Mr. M Michael, a philanthropist, inventor, entrepreneur, founder, Chairman & Group CEO of Ultainfinity Global Group.



Ultainfinity Wealth Launchpad

Wealth creation should be accessible, easy, and nondiscriminatory. We give Instant CreditLine of $10,000-$250,000 made immediately available, in multiples, with